Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Easter Song

V1.) My Lord, He died for a kingdom,
        To redeem the hearts of men,
        Now my people don't you weep,
        He has risen from His sleep,
        He lives again, Alleluia!

        Cho;  Sing Alleluia, the Lord is risen
                  He is risen indeed, Alleluia!

V2.) My Lord came forth like the morning
        With the splendour of the sun
        Came triumphant from the womb
        From the darkness of the tomb
        The victory won, Alleluia!  (cho;)

V3.) My Lord united our mountains,
        With the everlasting hills,
        Now the seasons and the sea,
        Sing His song of victory
        Rock and rills, Alleluia! (cho;)

V4.) My Lord renewal all creation,
        That had waited late and long,
        Now we all with one accord,
        Live is our song, Alleluia! (cho;)


  1. Ilove this song.Love your blog! I'm happy to follow you, you can visit my blog when you find time :)

  2. Alleluyia, the Lord has truly risen. The Lord is good all the time, that is His nature. Thank you for making this song available. God is bless you.

  3. Live and love the risen Lord
    This is our song. Alleluia!

    Those are the last two lines of the last verse. Hope I was able to assist.

  4. One of my favorite easter song
